Friday, June 22, 2012

The Peace of Christ.  (242)553-5510 -- details below!

It is Friday and I am on Harbour Island.  I have been helping the regional intern Mat Hotho do some wiring at Wesley Methodist Church here on "Briland."  And this is my first opportunity to post this week.

Meet the men of Zion Methodist Church, Current Island.  They were all celebrated on Saturday night at a special Fathers Day dinner hosted by the women of the island.  And I was a guest.  We shared a feast of steak, peas and rice, salad, pie and cake.  It is so humbling to be welcomed into this community so graciously.  While at the dinner, I won a door prize.  I honestly believe it was an answer to prayer.  Under my seat was a winning ticket.  And I won a phone!  Plus a phone card for answering a riddle.  I now have local communication and I can be called by anyone.  But before you start dialing, the Bahamas means an international call from the US.  Still, it helps a great deal for me staying in contact with folks here.  That is the number there at the top.

I went to the clinic on Tuesday.  My back is still troubling me and the nurse suggested it is muscle spasms.  I now have a muscle relaxer and something to ease the pain.  It seems to be some better.

We had a work team on Current Island all week.  A great group from First UMC Port Orange, FL.
They have been a great work team.  For those of you especially interested in Zion Children's Home, we have the service wiring for the electrical service in place.  It is in the conduit, in the ground, and the trench covered.  We also got a massive amount of painting done in the second cottage and the tile flooring is finished.  It is so gratifying to work with others in a spirit of service and offering.  And it does my heart great good to see the progress that is being made.

As you read this, I ask that you offer a prayer for me and for the congregation at Spanish Wells.  I will have my first preaching opportunity this Sunday, preaching both morning and evening.  I am very eager for this opportunity, and it suggests that I will have a lot more opportunity in the future.  Thank youu for your prayerful support in this and for all that I am doing.  It is evident to me every day.

I will be returning to the US on June 28th.  This is a little earlier than I had planned, but this is what the plane schedule allows.  Which I am sure will be just as it should be.  Beginning the evening of the 28th I will be available on my US phone (731)267-3814.

Time to head for the ferry back to the mainland, then over the cut to Current Island.  I am leading Bible study tonight.  Mark 4:35-41 Jesus stilling the storm.  It is also my sermon text for Sunday morning.  Economy of exegesis.

My love and thanks to you all.  Grace and peace,

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